Update On The Cat That Was Shot With A Paintball Gun

>> Saturday, December 18, 2010

Mr. Pink, as we lovingly refer to him at the hospital (I am confident his new owner can come up with a better name) is doing well. He arrived Thursday, we got him stabilized and treated his eyes. Fortunately, it appears the eye damage was minimal. We had to shave most of the painted fur off, the paint was caked on to the skin. Then the rest we are removing with olive oil. Now its challenging to examine his eyes because his face is so slippery. He is such a sweet cat, just wants to be petted. He purred from the time he hit the door. Amazing how resilient and forgiving animals are!

He will be staying the weekend with us then he will move to his new home to be a strictly indoor cat.

Also, an Oakland County Sheriff did come by yesterday and took the information about the incident.


dogpal1986 April 23, 2012 at 7:21 AM  

First of all let us get the facts straight: Paintballs wash off immediately with water, they do not contain actual paint and are completely biodegradable. This cat was obviously abused by other means. Some sick freak must've tried actually painting the cat. Also a paintball round to the head of a small animal would most likely kill or completely mentally impair a house cat judging by the hematoma style wounds I've received during paintball games. I would do research before blaming this on paintball, I am an animal lover and I also enjoy playing paintball at parks with friends. Don't give paintball a bad name without actually doing research first. I wish this cat a better life in the future and a speedy recovery from its previously experienced traumatic events.

Unknown January 9, 2014 at 4:54 PM  
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Unknown January 9, 2014 at 4:55 PM  

find out fact about paintball before you start pointing fingers, 110% that wasn't a paintball

Elizabeth J. Neal December 18, 2014 at 8:31 AM  

Then the rest we are removing with olive oil. Now its challenging to examine his eyes because his face is so slippery. He is such a sweet cat, just wants to be petted. He purred from the time he hit the door. Amazing how resilient and forgiving animals are! PickMyPaintBall.com

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